Here’s an hour-long chat with the author of THE PALMETTO BOOK: Histories and Mysteries of the Cabbbage Palm, Jono Miller, sponsored by Sarasota’s Bookstore1.

It contains some readings from the Introduction (2:25), the Seminole Thatch (18:30 &35:15) chapter and the South Carolina Flag (36:50), but a large part of the chat involves responding to questions from viewers. Strangler figs (12:25 & 44:40), the roots, (15:40), bloom stalks (16:25), wounds to trunk (24:00) bootjack loss (25:30), range and age (29:30), are they grasses (33:00), rootball size and survivability (45:15),as food (49:10) can you girdle a cabbage palm(53:10). I also reflect on the cover design (10:05) and introduce five books whose style and approach were inspirations to me (5:30) feature some Sarasota connections (40:30), and propose a cabbage palm mystery that needs solution (41:50).