Yes, I saw the Martin Vassolo article in the Miami Herald: DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE, MIAMI BEACH MOVING AWAY FROM PALM TREES TO CREATE MORE SHADE. And there’s somewhat derivative article in The Guardian MIAMI BEACH TO CUT BACK ON FAMOUS PALM TREES OVER CLIMATE CONCERNS.

There are many reasons to not plant palms in urban areas. Coconuts are a liability due to the damage posed by those darn falling coconuts. As a result they require frequent pruning to avoid creating risk. Royal palms are self-cleaning, but their fronds are enormous and could also be problematic if they hit someone. Chinese fan palms have fronds with saw teeth a shark would envy. And the date palms have long spines on their fronds that can send people to the emergency room. If OSHA regulated Phoenix (date) palms, they might be illegal. And this relatively new disease, Lethal Bronzing, can kill expensive Sylvester palms and cabbage palms alike.

But don’t tell me a City is cutting back on palms because they don’t produce shade.
Continue reading “Fewer Palms for Miami Beach? Sounds Shady!”