This post complements Chapter 20. Palm Abodes in my book, The Palmetto Book: Histories and Mysteries of the Cabbage Palm, published by the University of Florida Press.
If you ever get to Flagler County, be sure to visit the Princess Place Preserve. It’s a little out of the way, but that’s a good thing.
There are several cabbage palm occurrences you’ll want to check out.
The original lodge is Flagler County’s oldest intact structure and the veranda supports consist of both cedar trunks and cabbage palm logs.

Veranda supports consist of palm logs and cedar trunks.
The lodge approach involved a double row of cabbage palms that were planted in 1888. Many are still there.

Here’s what they looked like in 1888.

They are now more than an century and a third old.
In addition, there are some big Live Oaks with palms germinating in their crotches. Can they survive?