This YouTube video Get to Know our State Tree, the Cabbage Palm (aka Sabal Palmetto)is not about THE PALMETTO BOOK: HISTORIES AND MYSTERIES OF THE CABBAGE PALM. It’s more of a basic introduction to cabbage palms with some North Port specific content appended at the end. Content includes: some basics, bootjacks, palms are not grasses, shade production, overpruning, new pruning regulations, tough plants, new disease (lethal bronzing), and they can be invasive. If you are not interested in North Port, the presentation lasts a little more than a half hour. Thanks to the Environmental Conservancy of North Port for hosting. Questions and answers start around 53:45.

I have a very large double headed cabbage palm on my 90 acres of Old Florida forest.
It is said to be rare, but all I know is I named this land Twin Palm Camp after seeing this magnificent tree! I was told there are only two known in the state, one in Clearwater and this one. I doubt that is true, but it is still a wonder!